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Dutch Cheese Knives

Dutch Cheese Knives

With the Dutch Cheese Knife Professional, you cut through both young and old cheeses with a hard rind with ease. Ease of use, safety and efficiency guaranteed thanks to its unique shape, with a handle on both sides. The graceful, wooden finish completes this knife. Fast and smooth slicing guaranteed! Cutting losses are a thing of the past As an entrepreneur, you like to work efficiently. Thanks to the curved blade and the fine hand placement of the handles, you cut along all edges with ease and precision, in a smooth rocking motion. As a result, you make the most of the cheese and have minimal cutting losses with minimal effort.

Multifunctional cheese knife

Different sizes of cheeses are easily cut with the cheese knife. But also pizza, sausage, cucumber, tomato or sweet pepper can be cut very small. Catering entrepreneur or cheese professional? The Dutch cheese knife professional wood stands up to every cheese professional! Durable stainless steel blade The blade is made from a single piece of durable stainless steel material. Dare you take on BOSKA's toughest cheese knife?
